Thursday, January 11, 2007


"You know, sometimes you look at me with longing... even though i am here with you."
"Maybe i'm sad - about WANTING you. i'm not too comfortable with wanting someone."

go on do yourself a favour: buy, borrow, beg, steal. get your winter mitts on this piece of sheer aching poignant sincere beauty. this came highly recommended from a couple of folks and exceeded my highest expectations.

a couple of hours indulgently spent reading this in one sitting in a warm cafe, while the high whining wind whipped it's way through the streets, could not have been more suited to the day that was in it, with its themes of memory, loss and longing...


craig thompson's website
publisher's website


  1. Anonymous9:58 pm

    picked this up at the library at work today... looks awesome... thanks for the tip!

  2. Anonymous3:59 pm

    wow - finished it last night... can't believe how good it was... felt like reading it all over again forst thing this morning...

  3. loved this - thanks for the recommendation :)
