Wednesday, April 26, 2006

my friend

not much left to say today, or at least not enough energy to say it all... so instead i'll just wear a wide appreciative grin to the thought of young daniel. commonly known as DF. what a kid. he damn near melted my heart beyond the point of reconstitution tonight.

so, committing to memory to save for a rainy day or monday:

stepping through the door... dan leaping to his feet and climbing up into my arms... to feel his soft face against my own... telling me in eloquent detail the whys and wherefores of getting to play on the 'little beach' in wexford. it is an epic holiday tale involving damaged and impassable wooden steps caused by falling rocks. why? because 'the mountains are falling down!' but the family being undeterred had a special route onto the beach involving climbing. oh yes, climbing! and he paddled every day in the sea. was it cold in the water? yes. it was cold. but he paddled all the same.

life is an adventure when you're 4. or at least it should be. i'm so glad he gets to enjoy the thrill of it all, knowing he is loved, higher than his dad can jump.

bless him as he blesses me... he is priceless.

LB, x

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