Thursday, April 13, 2006


He passed...walking with long strides, a bounce in his step and an apparent sense of direction. Telling us he has somewhere to go. Whatever was playing on that iPod, he was walking in time to it – so that his gait had the flavour of a dance. He was moving lightly on the pavement, and at speed. Not hurried, but with the quickness that comes at ease with length of leg and step. But it was his face that said the most. How hard to believe it was the facade of one projecting confidence to strangers. No, his smile was as if he were sharing a quiet joke with himself. No, not that...something had made him happy. One can only presume it was the sounds in his head connecting down into his core. That smile was... unselfconscious. True contentedness. Whatever might come, here in the now: this is him... in the moment: happy with his lot on this planet. And he glowed as he smiled.

Sitting staring into the street I find myself smiling, with a quiet contentedness in the knowledge of a fleeting moment in this day, when someone was simply happy when he thought no one was looking... must be catching...

LB, x

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