Sunday, May 07, 2006

my heart will be blessed...

i'm going to bed tonight filled with more life and happier than i have been in a long while...

i went up into the mountains today and got my spirit spring-cleaned at 593 metres on top of Doan.

i'm so blissfully ready to curl up and rest easy that i'm signing off without even trying to convey the immense breathtaking beauty of the peaks and loughs and the winged things that flew in a perfect blue sky... or what benefit to my body and soul it was to stride with enthusiasm across the bogs and rocks breathing in fresh air, to feel the beauty of the strong simplicity of that place or the experience...a day of energy in my limbs, matched by a sense of smiling contentment that i was just where i needed to drink in the home of my trusted guide... to feel its peace work its magic...that left me with an appetite like i've not had in 10 months...

colour me sun kissed, and if only for one night, angst free and gratitudinal beyond adequate expression...

photos to follow...

LB, x

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