Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Performance Anxiety

hmmm. so what the heck should i write about tonight?

plan from here on in is to scribble thoughts on the train and post from work - a glitch in the system has been solved (touch wood) and i can now access the blog dashboard from my desk. this new plan should make for more regular posts and keep Pip happy.

meanwhile . . . meanwhile, i'm metaphorically drumming my fingers until we confirm the plans to return to Provence in June/July. and indeed drumming the other hand waiting for Jude to arrive on Friday. i have no patience. rather appropriately itunes is playing our soundtrack album - jason mraz - as if to only taunt me further.

at ::tuesday group:: we are working our way through "the bible makes sense" by bruggemann. some seriously amazing ideas contained therein. we are changing. i know i am. this little gathering for food and sharing is shaping the rest of my week. i'm looking less at the big things and more at the small. 'bout time. i mentioned prayer for the second week in a row. look out. is that the sound of four apocalyptic horsemen thundering our way?

here's the opening line of tonight's chapter - which kind of floored us all:

The Bible has notions of life and death that are very different from those we have today. Whereas we think of life as the continuing function of the individual organism and death as the cessation of such functioning, the Bible understands life and death in covenantal categories. Life means to be significantly involved in a community of caring, meaning, and action. Death means to be excluded from such a community or denied access to its caring, meaning or action.
The more one considers that . . . the more one is provoked to see things in a whole new light.
Bruggemann's writing style is not always the most poetic but his theology is deeply radical. I'm not sure if the Bible quite makes sense yet, but something is being revealed and I am seeing in a new light. even the most cynical heart can be got at.

Are we building an inclusive community built on caring, meaning and action?

we can but try.

sleep well friends.

p.s the title above links to my site of the week. enjoy.

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