Wednesday, June 04, 2008

just like you and I

On Thomas Merton,

"For him the vital religious questions will always be variants of the question: Who am I, and who am I meant to be? In this sense he was representative, even a typical, modern person, whose strong sense of self if constantly met by the sense that the self and its preoccupations are unworthy or illusory. his answers will always involve a pledge to devote himself to an ideal way of life, and this way of life, and this way of life will be bound up with an ideal setting: a space, a place, a destination, a habitation. If only he can find the place where he is meant to be, he will tell himself, he will become the person he is called to be - will fulfill his God-given nature."

p.21; The Life You Save May Be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage by Paul Elie (FSB, 2003)

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