Tuesday, October 24, 2006

best left unsaid

the discovery that one's attempts to be articulate are the outworkings of a defence mechanism against saying what one really feels is not condusive to free flowing thought...nor indeed articulateness.


LB, x


  1. i can completely relate to that! well said. (!)

  2. the finest blog i have ever read x

  3. I'm currently reading 'Bitchfest' (an anthology of contributions to Bitch magazine) which I am LOVING (and passing to you on my return). It discusses overuse of the word 'like'... which apparently is used more often in spontaneous free-flowing conversation and (thus? Discuss.) more often by women. Tangential, spontaneous and thus possibly inarticulate. Keep her lit... Mwah, Willow.

  4. I think you're being a bit harsh on yourself. I thought your analysis was a particularly brilliant piece of social theory...If our minds can experience "free press," then perhaps there can be no famine, keeping open the possibility of a rich, well nourished inner life?

