Monday, March 13, 2006

eurotrash fur mein frend

zer is leetle elz zat induces me to geegle more zan zee use of silly aczents...

eet eez sumsink my brudder eez very gut at...brunch on zatruday chez moi vas conducted by ewan, mark unt gareth in ze style of john o'donoghue - ze ENTIRE meal...mais, zer av also been moments in zee past few dark munts ven my frent ricky as put a schmile on ma face wiz random utterunzes in a schlightly schleezy geshtapo-esque akzent or zends me le texts in zee spanglish or le francais merde...

donc, eet eez for zat reason, unt beekoz ve vere aving a parlay on zuntag about ze need to av a playful zpirit if you vant to be creative unt free, zat i am blogging like zees to say zank you to monsieur maqueeeelan pour le text massage yesterday evenink tellink me zat zeeting in common grunts he over erd zomeone order unos achocalypse now! despite ze fact zat eet as not bin on ze specials boardos for deux veeks... i av birthed a legendario. bravissimo.

eet vas a vell timed massage - zent wiz zee intention to cheer me vile i vas engaged elsewhere in potentially tense converzation. eet was and eet did.

zo, merci beaucoup mon ami. muchos appreciatos pour your kindness...

all vill be vell...unt never take urzelf zo zeriously zat you forget to be like unt petit kinder...

LB, x

p.s. as i am aware that many of my readers will not have the same high level of multilingual fluency that i am so clearly fortunate to have, i shall be returning to my usual abuse of the queen's english in my next post. :0)

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